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30 ml
Benefits:CBD and essential oils applied topically can offer faster relief to areas of discomfort. Full-Spectrum CBD is a powerful natural compound. Our team of experts and chief formulator have spent decades studying the affects of certain essential oils as it relates to pain and inflammation. Our proprietary topical relief is unlike any of the other CBD topical on the market. The Full-Spectrum CBD and carefully selected essential oils combine to provide a quick relief from pain. Our users report experiencing an overall improved quality of life. Directions:Using your pinky finger, apply a small amount to the area you are experiencing discomfort. Ingredients:Organically Grown Cannabis Sativa CBD Oil Formulated in a Base of of Shea Butter, Organic Coconut (MCT), Menthol Crystals and Organic Sunflower Lecithin along with the following organic essential oils: Peppermint, Spearmint, Black Seed, Eucalyptus, Sweet Basil, Turmeric, Arnica, Clove, Cinnamon, and Orange.Caution:This product is not intended for internal use. Wash hands after applying and avoid mucus membranes (especially the eyes and mouth). This product will liquify when exposed to heat and sunlight. Store in a cool, dark area. If it liquifies, you can refrigerate the product to return back to a solid state.
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